
Thursday, September 30, 2021

I and my class did pot plants and I did the one at the top. this is how to make them. things you need: any bottle that you want any color paint then a plant and sandpaper. That's what you need now let's make it. First, you get your bottle and draw your design then you cut out your design and sandpaper the top of the lines. then you do two coats of white paint and wait for it to dry and do i another coat then you put on a clear coat x2 and then you are done.

Work for ag Day


I and my class did fabric art it was for ag day and you are thinking what is ag day. ag day is when you bring your pets to school but we could not do that because covid and family coming to pick up pets and looking after them. Now how to make your one so you need to have: tie-dye any color you want and paint then you need your fabric and that's all. now you get your tie-dye and put it on your fabric. when the tie-dye is dry you paint your fabric now you wait for it to dry and you are done hope you like it this is mine.

Monday, September 27, 2021